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Thursday 21 January 2010

How to get more pageviews to your articles

If you are a freelance writer or indeed blogger you will want to know how to get more pageviews. In the writing world more pageviews equals more money. Sites like Associated Content pay $1.50 for each 1000 page views, so if you can write 5 articles a day which get 1000 pageviews each you earn $7.50. If you struggle to get pageviews to your articles here are a few things you can do to get more.

1)Use SEO ;it has been said over and over again but it is true. If you use a popular keyword which has little direct competition then you have a good chance of featuring on the first page of google for this keyword. If this keyword is searched for 100 000times a month you have a great chance of getting thousands of page views. Of course if you are in the top position in google you are likely to get at least 10% of the search engine traffic, which is 10 000 views.

2)Write on popular topics. Search on yahoo buzz or google trends for the things making the headlines. These topics do tend to have a lot of competition, but if you write a quality article, with a catchy title, and promote you should see a soar in page views. It is only a few weeks away from Valentines Day so you can be sure in the next week or two Valentines will be a trending topic. Do not get left behind start writing about Valentines now.

3) Promote your articles. Add your articles to Digg, reddit, social marker and other social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and myspace, but be careful not to spam.

Getting more pageviews to your articles is easy with a bit of planning and forward thinking.

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